Boat tour with BirdLife Malta
The 24th and 25th of August starting from Marsascala at 14.oo
Also this year we teamed up with BirdLife Malta to discover the seabirds around the South of Malta with our boat! The trip will take us offshore from Marsascala in the area close to the fish farms where hundreds of Black Terns congregate in autumn.
End of August – September is also peak time for other species of birds carrying out their autumn migration south to Africa, so with some luck, we might see other exciting birds. In addition to these migratory species, we should be able to see the locally nesting Scopoli’s Shearwaters and European Storm-Petrels.
There will be two boat trips that will last around 4 hours each. The activity is open to anyone who is eager to explore the marine environment, both new and experienced birdwatchers and nature photographers.